E-Commerce, Web & Multimedia

E-Commerce is a new way of doing business, the way that involves openness, connectivity, and integration.

  • It opens up the enterprise to include partners, suppliers and customers.
  • It connects the new, expanded enterprise through a universal electronic medium.
  • It requires the integration and alignment of technology, strategic intent, processes and human performance.

Textron has years of experience and technical expertise in implementing e-Commerce solutions using :

  • JAVA, CORBA, TP Monitors
  • Groupware - LotusNotes / Domino
  • Various scripting languages -VB script, Java script. Perl
  • Internet / Intranet development tools / languages - HTML / DHTML /XML, ASP, ActiveX
  • Windows 2000 and Microsoft Distributed Environments (COM/DCOM)
  • Automating business to business transactions
  • n-tier architecture.

Textron provides its customers the following services for the production of e-Commerce websites :

  • Company-wide Strategic Internet / Intranet Planning & Implementation
  • Internet Project Analysis, Design and Development
  • Develop Web Enabled Applications
  • Designing Web Pages
  • Setup Online Commerce Systems
  • Register Websites with the Search Engines
  • Hosting Web Applications, Maintenance and Support